Month: February 2014

Want a Great Organization? Build a Great Team

  Among the top military brass, elected officials, entrepreneurs, and the most successful leaders I have met or worked with, there is one ingredient that all have for a great organization: they have the right people. As Jim Collins in his book “Good to Great” writes, the success of an organization is based on having the right people […]
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Secrets of The Wealthy, Part 2

  Last week we covered Part 1 of the secrets to becoming financially independent and wealthy. This week we will cover the secret strategies the wealthy use. * Get a Mentor. Surround yourself with millionaires and learn from them. The best way to learn how they think and what they think is to be with […]
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Secrets Of The Wealthy, Part 1

The No. 1 financial goal that I hear from people is that they want to be financially independent. They don’t want to worry about money when they are retired. They want to pursue their dreams and passions. They don’t want to be overly dependent on family or other entities for money. Many spend a lifetime […]
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The Value Of Monthly Budgeting and Why You Need To Do One

A budget is an essential component of one’s finances. A cash flow or financial budget plan can help tell your money what to do instead of asking where your money went. The “B” word unfortunately has some dreadful connotations. You might feel as though a budget will put you in a financial straightjacket or you […]
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Six Best Ways To Pursue Financial Goals

The best financial goals and plans can be easily derailed by common mistakes that can act as roadblocks. Here are some of the top financial goals people have: Generating current income (59%) Providing health insurance coverage (55%) Managing/Reducing debt (53%) Building a Retirement fund (51%) Building an Emergency Fund (47%) Preparing for future medical needs […]
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Is The Roth IRA Right For You?

One of the best ways to save for retirement is through individual retirement accounts (IRA). There are two different types of IRAs, traditional and Roth. A Roth IRA has unique characteristics that can make it a very effective retirement-savings tool, but it isn’t for everyone. If you are deciding between a traditional and Roth IRA, […]
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The Secrets to Become a Millionaire

I live about 20 miles from work and spend about 1.5 to 2 hours in traffic a day. If it weren’t for audio books, I wouldn’t be the happiest camper. (On a side note, the average commuter stuck in traffic is more stressful than fighter pilots!) One morning when the carpool zipper lane was closed, […]
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Credit And Tax-Return Breaches

Credit card breaches and identity theft unfortunately are becoming more common: 40 million customer names, card numbers, the security codes and expiration dates were stolen from Target between Nov. 27 and Dec. 15, 2013. In addition, personal information for 70 million people also was stolen, totaling 110 million shoppers having their information stolen. Neiman Marcus […]
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