Month: April 2014

How To Improve Your Credit Score Quickly

Click Here for the 7 weeks to 700: Improve Your Credit Score with Legal Instant Credit Repair That Will Change Your Life! Your credit score is one of the most important numbers in your life. Banks use your credit score to determine whether or not you are credit worthy and how much interest to charge. […]
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The Top 10 Financial Scandals in History

Financial scandals have been a part of history since the invention of money, and as the financial system gets more complicated, so do the scandals. But the common underlying factor is that people are in a position to take advantage of others, and continue to do so until they get caught, can’t keep up with […]
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Understanding Your Personal Life Balance Sheet

A personal financial balance sheet shows you a snapshot of your financial health: how much money and assets you have, how much debt and liabilities you have, and what your net worth is when you subtract your liabilities from your assets. Unlike a budget where you track how much money is coming in as income […]
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Simple Questions That Will Transform Your Finances

Making SMART money choices sometimes isn’t the easiest thing to do. Here are some simple questions that will help you make better financial decisions and transform your finances! Looking to Buy Something? Spending less is more important than earning more when it comes to financial independence. Why? Because you may not be able to directly […]
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What are Target-Date Investment Funds?

Target-Date Investment Funds During the past twenty years target-date funds have become more popular with investors. Target-date investment funds also known as life-cycle, retirement, or age-based funds were first introduced in the early 1990s. Mutual funds offered instant diversification by pooling money and investing in the major asset classes (stocks, bonds, alternative investments, cash). This gave […]
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A Simple Formula That Predicts How Happy You Will Be in Retirement

Most people believe financial independence and having a boatload of money in an account will lead to ultimate happiness. According to William Bernstein, a neurologist and co-founder of investment management firm Efficient Frontier Advisors, having a good idea of how you’ll spend those post-work years (not necessarily how much you have) is critical to how happy […]
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