Month: December 2014

The Road to Financial Independence

Why You Need A Financial Plan Part 4

Creating a financial plan helps you discover and establish your financial goals, and then develop a plan to help you achieve those goals. In the previous articles we covered the importance of setting up a plan, how it can maximize your retirement and social security benefits, and the different goals and topics your plan should […]
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How to Sleep Better

The Secret to a Better Life with Better Sleep!

Want to become more productive and perform better? Studies have shown that the single greatest thing you can do is to get more sleep! More than one-third of working adults in the U.S. get less than 6 hours of sleep a night. This equates to 40 million Americans on the road everyday with insufficient sleep and […]
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Tips for Better Sleep

7 Steps to Better Sleep So You Can Perform Better in Life!

How you sleep in addition to how much you sleep is also very important. Here are seven steps to better sleep that help increase the quality of your sleep and clean up your sleep hygiene.  Stop drinking caffeine after lunch. Studies show that caffeine in moderation, especially natural caffeine like tea and coffee, can be helpful to […]
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Retirement Benefit Changes in 2015

How Your Retirement Benefits Will Change in 2015

Starting next year, there will be important changes to your Social Security, Medicare, Individual Retirement Accounts, and 401(k)s. Here are the new features your retirement benefits will have.  Social Security – Recipients will see a 1.7% increase next year for the annual cost-of-living adjustment. For those working, you will still be paying 6.2% of your income […]
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