SMART Living

How To Look After Your Physical and Mental Health

Many people do not realize just how closely their financial health is tied to their physical and mental wellbeing. When you are struggling under financial pressures, whether that’s due to being in debt or not earning enough money to cover your monthly expenses, this can have an adverse effect on how you are able to […]
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Stress-Free Ways to Work Towards Retirement

Retirement is something that not everyone likes to think about. It can be daunting for some as they may wonder how they’ll cope on what they’ve managed to save so far and the implications this could have on when they can retire. However, ignoring retirement doesn’t take away its inevitability. It’s best you start making […]
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Skill for Success

The Top Skill You Need to Achieve Your Goals

​Meeting the goals we set for ourselves is not easy. It takes a tremendous amount of energy, focus, and discipline. If you are like me, you probably have your purpose and priorities all laid out. However you may often find yourself off track at times. It is easy to become overwhelmed by obstacles and distractions that get in the way. So what is […]
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7 Habits of Highly Successful People

Dr. Stephen R. Covey was the author of the The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, an extremely popular self-help book that has sold more than 25 million copies in 38 languages since its publication in 1989. He was among Time magazine’s 25 Most Influential Americans in 1996. He also was the founder of the […]
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How to Boost Your Memory!

How to Boost Your Memory in 5 Easy Steps!

Your memory is how your brain files everything you have learned. Our brain is capable of storing an incredible amount of information and helps us remember what we have experienced. When we were kids, we could learn about ten words a day, and now the average adult can know 20,000 or more. Memory plays a […]
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Making The SMART Decision For Your Child’s Education

Education is important. So, when it comes to choosing the right school for your child, it is important that you consider a variety of factors in choosing the right one. Academic achievement is just one of those areas. You should think about where the location of the school, how much focus and attention teachers pay to […]
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SMART Luxuries Worth The Investment

The key to SMART finances is SMART saving, spending, and investing. It can be difficult to know the difference between buying something that may be an investment or an unnecessary expense. Life is short and enjoying the journey (with some SMART luxuries) is an important part of that journey. Here are some items that may […]
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How To Create Good Habits

Have you ever wondered why you do what you do? Some decisions are conscious choices, but more than 40 percent of the things we do aren’t. They are habits and routines of behavior that we have developed over time. They are things that we repeate regularly and tend to occur subconsciously. This explains why we snack […]
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Should You Use Mobile Payments?

Shopping isn’t what it used to be. For the first time this past Holiday Season, more people shopped online than in stores. People spent close to $5 billion dollars during this past Thanksgiving and Black Friday online, rising 14% from a year ago. Another trend is the use of mobile payments, using your smartphone to […]
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