How To Deal With College Stress


  • Kimosabey

    July 11, 2013 - 12:39

    When I went to college I had good study habits from high school. I found that that was the biggest problem for other students and they just did not want to study. Play was anything from frisbees to dope. They did not exercise much and eating was a big distraction- taking an hour at the cafeteria talking but not studying later. They find the internet and social web sites now as part of their day as it was in high school. The after noon must be time planed for the work and then when it is over, the stress relievers work well. More sleep if they would go to sleep before midnight or get up to make it to class. Damn I even had a job to do so I could date on weekends. No one says sex but it does change the stress by loads, but you got to do your work. Get a relationship and your day is better.

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