Implementing effective digital marketing is complex, but extremely important for your businesses’ success, especially in its first year. However, how do you know if your digital marketing campaign has been efficient? Apart from an obvious increase in sales, it can be difficult to understand the parts of your campaign that you need to improve. These simple tips can help you to make the most out of your campaign.
Request Reviews
Reviews are one of the simplest and most traditional methods to discover where your digital marketing campaign has been effective. They are also one of Google’s highly sought-after ranking factors. As a result it is important to collect reviews to establish what the positives and negatives of your business are from a customer’s perspective and show your company to be reliable to others. You can collect reviews to optimize your Google My Business account. You can also collect reviews on other online business directories, and request reviews through a mailing list, or simply on an order confirmation.
Video Insight Platforms
Video insight platforms are dynamic and engaging ways to connect with your customers. You can view in real-time their responses to your products in a more direct manner. Video insight platforms such as Voxpopme allow you to capture video research which you are then free to analyze. You can filter reviews by keywords, and videos are even collated into interactive charts which you can then use for research purposes. You can even then transform this feedback into a reel that can showcase your businesses’ qualities to other customers.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is free to use and is an application that dissects your website’s traffic through a tracking code on your website. It analyzes search engine results and allows you to understand the fluctuations in your traffic flow. It also tracks search rankings alongside the timeline of your digital marketing campaign. You can view statistics related to your website, including your visitor numbers and their trends in activity. This can help you to cater later marketing campaigns to this analysis and to how potential customers interact with your website.
Comment Boxes
Comment boxes are another simple way to understand how users are interacting with your websites. Comment boxes can be used by visitors to comment on your posts and content, ask questions and even post full-length reviews. You can have comment boxes on the bottom of each post, on a page of their own, or on a contact page which can provide other information such as an email address through which it can be useful to glean information. Comment boxes are best placed where it is easy for users to see them, and they should look attention-grabbing- you should aim to place a comment box on your front page as this is where the majority of people will look when interacting with your website for the first time.
Getting insight into the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaign can be difficult, but there are many methods to help you understand and analyze your content. This can then improve your digital marketing campaign, with everything from video insight to reviews.