My Leadership/Command Philosophy

NGCA-MIB-CR                                                                                        10 June 2019                                                                                                                                       

MEMORANDUM FOR All Soldiers, 250th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Battalion

SUBJECT:  Command Philosophy

My command philosophy is simple. I make practice of doing the best that I can every day and expect you to do the same. I am passionate about being good stewards of what we have, excelling in our work, and exceeding expectations.

I am extremely proud to be your commander and fully understand my responsibilities. More importantly, I feel honored and privileged to be a part of this great Lightning Team!

Command is about servant leadership, a commitment to our Soldiers, their families, their employers, and our community. We are true “Citizen-Soldiers” that are ALWAYS READY and ALWAYS THERE to meet the needs of our State and Union.

   I have four priorities that will guide our great team to success. I encourage you to visit the site to read my leadership manual and my expectations. Although objectives may change, these priorities will not. I challenge you to think carefully about them and implement them into your daily routine.

1. Lightning Readiness. Priority #1 – there is no other #1. Taking care of Soldiers and their families IS preparation for combat. We must then meet ACFT, HT/WT, MOSQ, weapons qualification, PHA, military education, and maintenance standards; then aim to exceed them. Like our motto, we are quick as lightning to be ready to meet our State and Federal mission.

2. Soldier Development and Talent Management. Our legacy is the success of those that follow us. We have a responsibility to develop and maintain intelligent, adaptable and professional Soldiers. We must be proactive in leader development, seize every opportunity to train our subordinates to move up and take our place, and never stop learning. Talent Management aligns individual needs while optimizing Soldier performance and engagement. It is a way to enhance Army readiness by maximizing the potential of the Army’s greatest asset – its people.

3. Training. The Army is changing its focus to large-scale combat operations (LSCO). We will concentrate on the administrative tasks of the transformation and prepare to embrace the emerging doctrine of the Expeditionary Military Intelligence Battalion. Commanders will focus on MOSQ and develop an understanding of how we will deploy and fight. Train for the fight that has not yet occurred with methods not yet understood or seen. We must be innovative – resources, dollars, and time won’t always be available, but the enemy is not going to care.

4. Culture of Trust and Empowerment. Create a positive command climate of mutual trust and empowerment that makes Soldiers proud to do their jobs. Develop and sustain a “winning attitude” in everything we do, and ALWAYS, do what is right. I take EO, SHARP, negativity, and anything that undermines unit cohesion seriously. Success in our environment is highly dependent on the working relationships and mutual trust we establish among ourselves and with others. In this regard, I encourage you to place emphasis on cooperation instead of confrontation. I have an open-door policy for any Lightning Soldier.

            We have no God-given right to victory. Always strive to do better and be better. Discipline is the foundation of great units and is essential to mission accomplishment. Disciplined people (leader development); disciplined thought (readiness/competencies); disciplined action (training) and building greatness to last (culture of empowerment); will lead to building a unit the delivers superior performance, makes a distinctive impact on the communities we support, and achieves lasting endurance.



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