SMART Ways To Make Your Products Last Longer

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Some products break down over time. Either through wear and tear, not properly storing products, or your products spoiling, it can eat into a business’ bottom line. While products don’t last forever, you can make them last longer. Here’s how. 

Create A User Guide

Firms do lots of testing on their products. Their goal is to find out how long they will last. They can then pass on this information to their customers. A company that makes robot arms, for instance, might find that motors need replacing every 500 hours.

Putting this data in a guide helps clients with their servicing schedule. The lesson? Provide your customers with a guide on how to care for your products. Include information on how often to service.

Conduct Abrasion Testing

Abrasion testing is a popular technique for finding out levels of wear and tear. High friction makes products wear out faster. Testing is a way for you to identify issues before a product goes to market.

Textile firms need to be particularly careful here. Poor quality fabrics can wear through fast. Abrasion testing provides data for how long a product will last. The longer the knee and elbow fabric can survive on clothing, the better. It also helps in other sectors. Pharma companies, for instance, need to test their labeling to make sure it does not rub off. 

Store Products Correctly

Products may sit in storage for some time before you sell them. For this reason, you need to store them carefully. Food products need extra care. Cold and dry settings are the best for most products.

Fresh products need chilling. You should keep other products out of the weather where possible. Some products may have plastic wrapping, but this might not protect fully. 

Provide Cleaning Instructions

Cleaning is often an essential part of making products last longer. Customers, therefore, need to know how to look after their items. Clothing vendors provide cleaning instructions as standard. Other firms may need to offer specific guides. 

Bicycle sellers, for example, might need to advise on how to clean without damaging parts. White goods sellers may also need to recommend cleaning products. 

Use Better Materials

Product failure often arises from using low-quality materials. Companies often do this to save on costs. It can, however, backfire. Customers soon discover if a product doesn’t meet the mark.

Firms should use better materials. It may push up the price. But you often make back the loss in a better brand image. Customers will leave good reviews if products last longer. They will also enjoy better build quality in general. 

Test For Points Of Failure

Finally, make sure that you test for points of failure. Points of failure could include hinges, latches, buttons or connectors. Be careful in testing these components. You may find that you need to change your designs. Again using stronger materials can help here.

You may also need to provide reinforcement. In summary, making products that last is critical for long-term success. Firms that focus on durability tend to last longer themselves. 

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