be a better communicator

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The Power of the “Power Pose!’

14 Executives Demonstrate The Art Of The ‘Power Pose’ via Business Insider:    Harvard Professor Amy Cuddy’s research focuses on how our body language changes how we feel and act, and the way others perceive us. She’s made some pretty startling discoveries.   By holding an open, expansive “power pose” for as little as two minutes, you can actually change your […]
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How to Be A Better Public Speaker Part 1

According to surveys, the greatest fear in the world for most people is speaking in public. The second greatest fear is death. In other words, people would rather die than speak in public! Many people may not have to give speeches to large groups, but at some point in their careers, they may have to […]
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The 7 C’s of Communication

If you think about it, we spend almost every part of our day communicating. We write emails, texts, and notes, participate in phone calls, create reports and presentations, talk to our bosses, peers, spouses, children, assistants…the list goes on and on! Given that we communicate so much, how can we maximize our communication skills to […]
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