
Boost Brain Function with Daily Exercise

Researchers at the University of South Carolina have found that regular treadmill sessions boost the production of mitochondria in brain cells. By increasing the mitochondria in brain cells, exercise improves brain function and efficiency. Researchers found that creating an excess of mitochondria could also create a buffer against age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s. Just a 30-minute […]
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Add Stretching to Your Routine

Stretching throughout the day and after exercise has been shown to decrease the risk of injuries and improve blood flow to the muscles. By stretching regularly, we can increase flexibility and increase our range of motion to important joints and tendons, reducing the risk of trauma or overuse injuries. To stretch a muscle, try to […]
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Wear a Pedometer

New research suggests routinely wearing a pedometer encourages people to walk about an extra mile each day, lose weight, and lower their blood pressure. Aim for at least 30 minutes of brisk walking and a total of 10,000 steps per day.
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Tips For Dealing With Stress

According to a new survey, stress in America has increased 30 percent over the past 30 years, and almost three out of four Americans are stressed at work, with more than a third reporting extreme stress levels. Stress can affect everyone regardless of age, and it can have a negative impact on health and overall […]
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