Retirement Planning

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The True Cost of Investing

There is over $16 trillion invested in mutual funds. Mutual funds are an excellent way to invest and grow your wealth, however there is a great disparity in their fees. Studies show these fees are the greatest indicator of mutual fund performance. You may be even more surprised to learn that most financial advisors, professionals, […]
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Three Stock Market Lessons to Learn for Next Year

The performance of the S&P500 was relatively flat this year, however there was enough drama behind the scenes to provide some valuable lessons for us all. Here are three stock market lessons that can come in handy as we look at the market for 2016! Click here for more tips on SMART Investing and what you can […]
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Four Steps to Maximize Your 401(k)

The average American employee switches jobs 11 times before retiring. This means many have old 401(k) or work retirement plans that may not be invested properly. Because for most people their 401(k) is their only work retirement account, it is important to maximize their 401(k) accounts. Every time you change jobs, you have four options […]
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14-Day SMART Plan To Improve Your Finances

The 14-Day SMART Plan to Improve Your Finances

According to recent data, 61% of Americans don’t keep track of their money. Even for those that do, many feel overwhelmed. I have designed for anyone who wants to improve how they manage their money, the 14-Day SMART Plan to Improve Your Finances! This simple self-improvement plan features one task to focus on per day. Based on […]
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The True Purpose of Investing: Creating Income for Life

When I ask people what they are investing for, I often get answers such as “growth” “high returns” or “to make money.” I rarely hear the right answer, which is: Income! During the 2008 financial crisis there were many people that had quite a bit of assets (namely in real estate) but couldn’t pay their […]
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