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More Wisdom From Warren Buffett Part 3

Warren Buffett is considered to be the world’s greatest investor. The past two articles discussed his incredible success at Berkshire Hathaway and his best investment advice. Please click here to see the previous parts in this series.  “Over the long term, the stock market news will be good. In the 20th century, the United States endured […]
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A Good Time For Tax Planning

As the end of 2012 approaches, we know you are busy with holidays, family, and travel, but it is also a good time to do some last minute tax planning. Currently, a significant number of tax breaks, collectively known as the Bush-era tax cuts, are due to expire on Dec. 31, meaning taxpayers could have […]
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Taking Full Advantage Of A 401(k)

401(k) retirement plans were first introduced by Congress in 1978. The name comes from the section (401) and paragraph(k) of the Internal Revenue Code. The retirement plans were created to encourage Americans to save more for retirement. Here are some tips and information to take full advantage of the benefits of a 401(k): 401(k) plans […]
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Share a Subscription

Do you find that old magazines pile up and eventually get thrown away? There’s a good chance you have a friend or neighbor who is doing the exact same thing. Sharing a magazine subscription with someone will not only save you money, but will also cut down on the amount of trees used!
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Simple Steps For Preparing A Will

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” No one wants to think about death, but a little planning can ensure your assets are divided smoothly after you are gone. Make a plan. A will dictates where your assets go when you die. Without it, you will not […]
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Setting An Investment Strategy

 Setting up an investment strategy can seem incredibly complex. You can find plenty of information on investing from the web, magazines, news sources, books, seminars, and even tips from friends. Unfortunately some people spend a great deal of time on investment strategies that are more likely to reduce rather than increase their investment portfolios. A […]
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The Importance Of Investing

The S&P500 is up more than 11 percent this year and above 1,400 for the first time since mid-2008. This is good news, but many people are still on the sidelines worried about the global economy and the precarious conditions in Europe. The knee-jerk reaction may be to move all assets into a bank account […]
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Which Life Insurance Is For You?

Benjamin Franklin once said “Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” Although one cannot control death, one can control how to protect loved ones through life insurance. The proper amount of life insurance will ensure that they will have enough money to pay down debts, replace the loss of income and […]
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