The SMART Way to Switch Careers Later in Life

As we all make our way into the next industrial revolution, or known as Industry 4.0, switching careers may not just be a choice but rather a requirement to remain employed. 

With technology fast making its way into every aspect of our daily lives and work days, it might be a requirement for you to switch careers for more pay or a job that you are passionate about.

Whether you’re skilled enough already or need to upskill for success in a new sector, here is some information to help you switch careers later in life. 


It’s understandable to be a little apprehensive or concerned about making a career switch later in life. Know your strengths, weaknesses, what you enjoy doing, and what you don’t.

Whether you’re not too sure if something’s right for you, or you’re just a little worried about whether you have enough time in the field to truly succeed — there’s a lot to think about. 

However, it is reassuring to note that one of the most fulfilling and relieving feelings comes from transiting from a career that you’re not in love with, to one that you’re going to enjoy and be utilized to your full potential within. 

Ask yourself in what career field would you feel as though you are maximizing your potential and offering the most value?

Find Your Passions

Right off the bat, it’s imperative to be in sync with what you’re feeling about your current career. Of course, it is you who wants to make the leap into a new career, though it’s also you who is preventing this from happening. 

A few things to be on the lookout for when it comes to really listening to your heart and making the right move include:

  • Feeling unmotivated at work
  • Having little energy or inspiration in your current field
  • Being under-utilised or not using your full potential in a role
  • Generally disliking the thought of the career you’ve built

With those points in mind, it will be a little easier to understand whether you’re making the right choice when wanting to move careers. If these issues are relatable to you, it might be worth considering knocking down that barrier and making the switch to a new career. 

Take Action – Make Moves Not Thoughts

Many of us get trapped in the analysis stage of a career move. This is known as “paralysis by analysis.” Don’t focus on what could go wrong before even changing careers. 

Take the leap for forward by taking small steps and then reassess. Simply do it and then figure out the new routine. Often a simple ‘fake it til you make it’ mentality is needed. You’re transferring into a new career, and no one expects you to be as experienced in this one as your existing one. 

Make the move, adjust to the new role and take the learning curve with grace and commitment. 

Delve into Skills to Prepare

Once you have narrowed down your choices, be ready for the job you’re about to meet by educating yourself.

Whether it’s a course through Upskilled to build your new skillset, or just absorbing videos and articles on a subject, upskilling will help the transition into your new career.

Don’t just focus on a subject, but look at skill-building exercises that will also have you more resilient and effective when it comes to operating in your new role. 

Don’t Go It Alone

One big factor in career movements that’s different later in life than in your early 20s is the fact you shouldn’t make these moves alone. 

When you were younger, there’s a good chance you didn’t know too many people in the field and didn’t have the connections to draw upon. One benefit of changing later in your careers is that now you do! 

Reach out to the connections you’ve made and either inquire about roles in other fields or ask them for a recommendation. Opportunities are tied to people, so if you are looking for an opportunity, you are actually looking for a person.

You’ve likely worked with a lot of clients, customers or business partners in radically different fields than your own, and there isn’t any reason for them not to help you out should you ask. 

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