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The True Costs Of Home Ownership

For most people, buying a home is the largest purchase they will make in their lives. People used to believe that buying a home always was better than renting since people assumed home values always would go up. Unfortunately, during the recent financial crisis, many people found themselves underwater, owing more on their house than […]
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14-Day SMART Plan To Improve Your Finances

The 14-Day SMART Plan to Improve Your Finances

According to recent data, 61% of Americans don’t keep track of their money. Even for those that do, many feel overwhelmed. I have designed for anyone who wants to improve how they manage their money, the 14-Day SMART Plan to Improve Your Finances! This simple self-improvement plan features one task to focus on per day. Based on […]
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Revealing Daily Habits Of The Wealthy

[tp widget=”select2/tpw_select2.php”] According to a recent study by Tom Corley, author of Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits Of Wealthy Individuals, there are few key habits that separate the rich from the poor. “Rich people” are defined as having a yearly income of $160,000 or more and a liquid net worth of at least $3.2 million, and […]
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The Road to Financial Independence

Why You Need A Financial Plan Part 4

Creating a financial plan helps you discover and establish your financial goals, and then develop a plan to help you achieve those goals. In the previous articles we covered the importance of setting up a plan, how it can maximize your retirement and social security benefits, and the different goals and topics your plan should […]
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Why you need a financial plan

Why You Need a Financial Plan Part 3

In this series so far we covered how a financial plan can help you optimize your Social Security benefits. Click here to read part 1 and part 2. With advances in technology, you can easily analyze and compare different strategies and the results that follow. The purpose of a financial plan is to discover and establish […]
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Working with a Financial Professional

Everyone should have a financial plan, regardless of age, income or net worth. It will help plan for the future and meet goals. Having a skilled financial adviser can be vital in helping create a financial plan. Some people like to do it themselves, but for those who do not have the time, desire or […]
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Are You Saving Enough For Retirement?

According to a recent report, the typical American family only has “a few thousand dollars” saved for retirement. The median savings for those 10 years away from retirement is $12,000, with one-third of them having no savings at all. Currently, there are 38 million working-age households that do not have any retirement assets. Given that […]
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How To Create A Financial Plan

When people think of a financial plan, many assume it involves setting up a budget, saving for retirement and looking for good investment products. But a financial plan goes much deeper than that. If properly done and updated regularly, it could mean the difference between financial independence and financial dependence. Here are key steps on how to […]
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