green living tip of the week

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Green Living Tip of the Week

Fresh Fish vs. Canned Consider purchasing fresh fish instead of canned. You will reduce the amount of resources wasted in the canning process and might even save money. For every 10 pounds of canned fish produced, 20 gallons of water and more than half a pound of edible fish are wasted.
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Green Living Tip of the Week

Frugal Green Cleaning Ask any group of friends about living a greener lifestyle and you’ll often hear complaints that it’s too expensive. A quick check of the cleaning aisle shows that specialty cleaners often cost 50% more than regular household brands and can really put a dent in your wallet. But, don’t despair. Good old-fashioned […]
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Share a Subscription

Do you find that old magazines pile up and eventually get thrown away? There’s a good chance you have a friend or neighbor who is doing the exact same thing. Sharing a magazine subscription with someone will not only save you money, but will also cut down on the amount of trees used!
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