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The True Purpose of Investing: Creating Income for Life

When I ask people what they are investing for, I often get answers such as “growth” “high returns” or “to make money.” I rarely hear the right answer, which is: Income! During the 2008 financial crisis there were many people that had quite a bit of assets (namely in real estate) but couldn’t pay their […]
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How to Build a SMART Investment Portfolio

Like every investor, you want to choose investments that will provide the growth and income you need to meet your financial goals. To do that, it’s important to understand yourself as an investor. That’s because a portfolio that’s right for someone else may not be best for you. Here are factors on How to Build a […]
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How To Create A Financial Plan

When people think of a financial plan, many assume it involves setting up a budget, saving for retirement and looking for good investment products. But a financial plan goes much deeper than that. If properly done and updated regularly, it could mean the difference between financial independence and financial dependence. Here are key steps on how to […]
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Setting An Investment Strategy

 Setting up an investment strategy can seem incredibly complex. You can find plenty of information on investing from the web, magazines, news sources, books, seminars, and even tips from friends. Unfortunately some people spend a great deal of time on investment strategies that are more likely to reduce rather than increase their investment portfolios. A […]
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The Importance Of Investing

The S&P500 is up more than 11 percent this year and above 1,400 for the first time since mid-2008. This is good news, but many people are still on the sidelines worried about the global economy and the precarious conditions in Europe. The knee-jerk reaction may be to move all assets into a bank account […]
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