Month: September 2013

8 Principles Of Long-term Investing Part 1

Increasing your wealth over time is more than picking the right stock or always buying low and selling high.Too often we see intelligent investors shoot themselves in the foot by making basic errors in their investing strategy. Through years of experience, I have observed the effects of fear, greed, lack of discipline, groupthink, and many […]
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13 Interesting Animal Fact GIFs Adorably Animated

By Daniel Zeevi Did you know your ordinary house cat is faster than the quickest person on earth? If you’re looking to brush up on your animal knowledge, this post is for you. QI (Quite Interesting) is a popular British comedy panel game television quiz show, hosted by Stephen Fry, that often features obscure questions. Contestants can score points for giving […]
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16 Ingenious Uses For Everyday Household Item

MEGAN WILLETT 1. Remove sticker residue with baking soda Flickr/Crafty Goat “To remove sticker residue, make a mix of baking soda and just a couple drops of water and rub it over the goo. I prefer that method over using smelly solvents or oil that I’d have to wash off with soap.” – truckstruck   2. […]
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SMART Ways to Take Control of Your Debts

When you are facing debts that seem to get bigger every day, it’s common to feel increasingly isolated, stressed, and unable to regain control of your finances. You might be surprised at just how many people are also dealing with debt; however, it’s become such a taboo subject that we rarely talk about money with […]
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Tax Tips: Reduce Taxes With Miscellaneous Deductions

  If you itemize your tax deductions on your tax return, you may be able to deduct certain miscellaneous expenses. Here’s what the IRS says: You can deduct most miscellaneous expenses only if they exceed two percent of your adjusted gross income. These include expenses such as:  Unreimbursed employee expenses.  Expenses related to […]
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5 Ways to Be a Badass Leader, James Bond Style

BY SHARÍ ALEXANDER Thanks to the James Bond franchise, we’ve all daydreamed about what it might be like to be an international man or woman of mystery. The suits. The swagger. The sweet ride. Although you probably won’t be able to build your tradecraft chops at the CIA, entrepreneurs can pick up a few lessons from […]
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Avoid These Investment Tips!

In the financial industry, my goal is to see people reach their financial goals. This involves the discipline to stick to a long-term financial plan, a diversified portfolio and to pick solid investment products. But as simple as it sounds, there are quite a few things that can derail any plan. It is common for […]
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