3 Pieces Of Outdated Equipment Your Business Needs to Get Rid Of

It’s easy to understand why many businesses continue to rely on outdated upgrades. Upgrades can be expensive and there is a certain familiarity with old-fashioned technology that many find reassuring. However, there are three types of business equipment which are well past their prime and should be the first to be replaced when you are ready to upgrade. 

#1 – Time Clocks

Time clocks were once the method of choice for monitoring how and when employees had worked. Time clocks also have significant disadvantages; they are time-consuming to manage and carry the risk of human error. There are plenty of inexpensive software programs that are more efficient and suitable for modern businesses.

#2 – Filing Cabinets

Storing documents has always been a necessity for businesses, but in today’s digital age, conventional filing cabinets can be more of a liability. Cabinets demand a huge amount of space, can only be accessed from one location, and require its constant organization. Any major natural disaster such as fire or flood and destroy all of the documents. The main alternative today is cloud storage. It is safe, secure, has no physical footprint, and you can access them from anywhere in the world, making it the sensible document storage choice for all businesses. 

#3 – Fax Machines

Fax machines were once the be-all and end-all of the business world. However, as the infographic below demonstrates, fax machines have evolved significantly. Now it is possible to enjoy all the benefits of fax machines, but with a modern spin that embraces the new era of technology and reduces paper and associated costs. If you are still using fax machines in your business, then it may make sense to switch to electronic faxes ASAP. 

Infographic Design By eFax
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