Many people are always on the lookout for the best investment to make money. It may be company stock, a mutual fund, a piece of real estate or maybe a business venture. However, there is one investment that many people overlook, and it is the best investment you can make: yourself!
You are your greatest asset. Becoming a valuable asset personally and professionally is much more important than your 401(k) account. Like any good portfolio, an investment in yourself can be diversified, carefully managed and meet all of your goals.
Here is how you can start investing in yourself to increase your human capital below. Check back here frequently as we continually update it!
- Your Professional and Personal Purpose in Life. (Download The Art of SMART Money Checklist and Workbook if you haven’t done so already)
- Your SMART Mission & Purpose – WHY Do We Exist?
- Your SMART Values & Identity – WHO Are We?
- Your SMART Vision & Endstate – WHERE Do We See Ourselves and WHERE Do We Want to Go?
- Your SMART Personal and Professional Goals – What Do We Need to Accomplish and WHEN?
- Your Education. Regardless of your age or current job status, consider furthering your education level. Studies show that those with a bachelor’s degree earn nearly twice as much as those without one. Continuing your education with an MBA, law degree or doctorate will potentially open more job opportunities with higher pay and benefits. With advancements in technology, more colleges offer online courses and flexible class schedules to fit your needs.
- MOOCs: Free Online Education With Elite Universities
- Free Management Library eMBA Courses
- London School of Business and Finance Global MBA – This innovative program offered by the London School of Business has the ambitious goal of providing “…a first-class MBA experience that allows students all over the world to study in their own time and at their own pace.” The entire accredited MBA course is available online for free. Learners can sign in via Facebook. Those who want certification can pay retroactively at the end.
- MIT Sloan School of Management – Take advantage of free online courses in various business-related topics.
- University of California Irvine – There are several business-related courses offered that are broken down into lessons and are open to guests. You can search for available courses (see the bottom of the page) on topics that include an intro to project management and the basics of business analysis.
- The OpenCourseWare Consortium – a global network of higher education institutions and associated organizations that offers a ” broad and deep body of open educational content using a shared model.”
- Free Management Library – This site hosts a vast storehouse of online articles and resources 15 years in the making. At the time of writing resources span 650 topics and approximately 10,000 links.
- Investment Terms Glossary
- Click here for more Educational Resources!
- Your Expertise. Imagine if Bill Gates lost all his wealth. Do you think he can get a job and earn more money? Of course! Theexpertise and knowledge he possesses are so valuable that people would gladly pay for them. Learn a valuable skill that makes you indispensable to any company. You also can focus on developing your human capital through professional certifications such as a real estate license, financial planning or even a general contractor. There are plenty of skills you can learn and develop to find new ways of making money. Expand your mind by taking time to read and gain more information, learn faster, and improve creativity and understanding.
- Listen and Learn from Experts and Professionals Through Our Latest Financial Planning Webinar/Conference Call
- Listen and Learn from Experts and Professionals Through Our Latest Business and Income Planning and SMART Ways to Make More Money Webinar/Conference Call
- Create Additional SMART Ways to Make More Money and Additional Streams of Income!
- Learn to Start or Grow Your SMART Business!
- Click Here to Download Your Free eBook on Top Productivity Tips!
- Your Relationships. Take time to invest in people. Build connections that are truly personal, not just a social media account. Strong relationships with your family, co-workers and friends can give you the support needed to advance your personal and professional career. Your inner circle can hold you accountable to be your best. They can pull for you, against you and with you. Having the education and skill is important, but having the right connections can open up more opportunities that may otherwise not been available. Find a mentor in your field who has the expertise, education and skill you desire.
- Your Health. Investing in your health through exercise, eating well and getting enough sleep will determine how effective and focused you are. Studies show that willpower, discipline and physical well-being are closely interrelated. Being healthy helps you deal better with stress, improves energy levels and reduces chances of illnesses. Money can be important, but without your health, it is worthless.
- Click here to learn more about Health and Wellness Tips!
- Join The Art of Living SMART and download your free ebook on Top Fitness Tips!
Your Wealth. While many equate Wealth to mean Financial Independence, there is actually a big difference between the two. To be financially independent is to be financially free, where you have met your financial center of mass and the interest or income is enough to maintain your standard of living without having to work. Wealth means to feel abundant, truly alive, and be content. Whereas being financially independent is an external monetary amount, being wealthy is internal and psychological. If you have all the money in the world but don’t feel content or grateful, then you aren’t wealthy. There is no amount of money in the world that can make you feel wealthy.
- Click on the link to learn more about your Inner and Stable Tables to Wealth!
- Click on the link to learn more about your Personal and Professional 5 P’s of Profession
You are the greatest asset you own, so take care of it and make time to invest in yourself. The stock market or real estate values may plummet, but your skills are harder to take from you!