Reputation plays an important role for any business to be successful. Whether it is attracting the best employees or business opportunities, your business reputation directly impacts your bottom line. Perception is reality for most customers. This is why reviews are extremely important for a company’s reputation.
Here are some steps you can take to help bolster your reputation:
Focus on Branding
One of the best places to start here is with the branding. Your brand should be consistent and should reflect the values and ideals of your business. It’s about much more than selecting a few colors and logos. Customers are smart. They know if a company and their message is inconsistent.
First impressions are very important. Branding will help you get your message out and present your business in the way you want your business to be perceived. A clear brand will help people avoid any confusion and misperceptions.
The Power Of An Address
It is easy to start a business in today’s economy. Whether starting it from your living room or an actual brick and mortar building, it is important to project the image of a larger and reputable company from day 1.
You could use a virtual office company, shared workspaces, or sublease from a larger company to give you a physical address. You can meet clients here, potential suppliers, partners, or associates. Many customers want to do business with one they believe will be there for the long-term, not just an overnight start-up.
When handing out business cards or marketing documents, having a physical office space can make a big difference. Not sure where to look? You can use to find an address to use for your business. Depending on who your target market is, you may want to find one that caters to your niche.

Naming Your Business
The name of the business is actually something that can have a particularly powerful and profound effect on the reputation of your company. Many large companies spend considerable amount of money to find a name for a new product launch or service. You want to find a name that is easy to remember and conveys the right perception of your brand.
Take the time to do some research so you don’t choose a name that already exists so you don’t encounter any copyright issues. Ask around about what people think of it before making it official. You can never be quite sure what kind of connotations and impacts there might be from a name until you do your research. Click here to avoid the most common mistakes people make when choosing a name for their business.
Treat Customers Right
Branding, your address, and choosing the right name is important, but not as important as making your sure you are treating your customers right. Your first customers are the most important you’ll ever have. Customer reviews, referrals, and word-of-mouth are your most powerful marketing tools. Best of all, they are free!