It’s obvious that God didn’t use a cookie cutter to stamp out people to look and have the same personality. God loves variety – just look around. And there is not a “right” or “wrong” personality.

There is not a “right” or “wrong” personality, there is just YOUR PERSONALITY.

A personality is difficult to change, but attitudes can be changed over time. God has wired you in a unique way. For example, imagine you have a lion’s personality, we could try to change you by pulling your fangs out (attitude) with the hope you will become a cat. It won’t work – you won’t become a cat, you’ll become a fangless lion.

One of the biggest events or “crucibles” in my life was my time at West Point, serving in the Army, and the success and failures of my start-ups. While my natural personality and internal motivations did not change much, my adaptive style and behaviors changed drastically due to the environment I was in.

I was outgoing before I became an Army Officer and I was outgoing afterwards. I just had a new attitude to go with my outgoing personality! This is what I consider to be part of the maturation process and my constant desire for self-improvement.

Although there are many great personality tests available (click here to see the other ones), this one is a self-assessment based on four aspects of your unique personality:

  1. How I am around other people
  2. How I make my decisions
  3. How I am in my relationships
  4. How I am in my use of time

Importance isn’t based on what personality type you have, it’s what you do with your personality that’s important. Answer these four questions below for your personality self-assessment.


1.  How I Am Around Other People – my preference for ‘people interaction’.

Around others I am more: 

  • Reserved or
  • Outgoing

Now, there will be times when you switch back and forth between reserved and outgoing but you usually have a preferred style where you feel most comfortable.

  • Outgoing (stereotypical descriptions)
    • social and energized by people
    • lonely when they’re not with people
    • love parties–usually the last to leave
    • easily connect with strangers
    • has lots of relationships
  • Reserved (stereotypical descriptions)
    • drained by people
    • not bothered being alone
    • likes solo activities: reading, few people
    • energized when they are alone
    • enjoys others but they’re drained afterwards
    • limited number of relationships

2.  How I Make My Decisions – my preference for ‘decision-making’.

My decisions are based more on: 

  • Facts / Thinking or
  • Feelings

When you make decisions, do you tend to be more logical and analytical? Do you rely more on your head than your heart? If so, then you may make decisions through “Facts/Thinking.” Or do you go with your gut feeling and hunches, following your heart regardless of what the data may tell you? In this case you may make decisions based on “Feelings.”

  • Facts (stereotypical descriptions)
    • likes facts, trust facts
    • rooted in reality
    • appreciates past experience
    • notices the details
    • wants what’s actual … “give me the facts”
    • practical
  • Feelings (stereotypical descriptions)
    • scan, glance, miss details because heads in clouds
    • futuristic thinking
    • don’t care about past, wants to know what’s ahead
    • forward thinking anticipates the future
    • great imagination
    • loves to speculate and go on hunches
    • doesn’t care what’s practical

3.  How I Am In My Relationships – my preference for ‘relating to others’.

In my relationships I tend to be more: 

  • Dependent on others or
  • Independent

When it comes to relationships how do you interact and relate with others? Do you prefer to be around people and require them to help you through difficult times? Then you may “Dependent” as opposed to a more “Independent” type that is more comfortable working alone and don’t rely on others as much.

  • Dependent (stereotypical descriptions)
    • needs people
    • high expectations of others
    • rely on people to be there during tough times
    • need others to validate me
    • need to talk feelings out
    • external
  • Independent (stereotypical descriptions)
    • doesn’t need others
    • low expectations of others
    • rely on self to get through tough times
    • seek validation from self
    • figure out my own feelings
    • internal

4.  How I Am In My Use of Time – my preference for ‘use of time’.

My use of time is more: 

  • Determined or
  • Spontaneous

Those who are “Spontaneous” are like explorers, connecting with and adapting to their environment with a more free and fun-loving attitude. They tend to act first and think later. Those who are “Determined” tend to be a more serious in how they approach things, being more methodical and planning before they act.

  • Determined (stereotypical descriptions)
    • fixed
    • organized
    • plan ahead
    • closure
    • deadlines
  • Spontaneous (stereotypical descriptions)
    • flexible
    • adapt as you go
    • open ended
    • what deadline?
    • plenty of time … what’s the rush

Realize your personality will be a BENEFIT to your ministry, profession, or whatever you do! You can also click here to take another personality test called the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator.


This is How I See Myself

Once you have a good understanding of each trait, circle one of the two words for each comment in each section to determine yours. You may feel as though you are right in the middle. If possible try to choose the one you are most like.

Here is mine as an example:

  1. Outgoing
  2. Facts / Thinking
  3. Independent
  4. Determined

By understanding this combination, it can help you and others understand how to best work with one another. From personal experience when I work with someone who is spontaneous, I always thought that they were terrible planners and waited to the last minute because they didn’t care.

Doing this exercise with my team helped me realize that wasn’t the case. They cared just as much as me, but just managed their time in a different way. This cleared up a lot of angst and made working with each other much easier.

  1. Around others I am more:
  2. My decisions are based more on:
  3. In my relationships I tend to be more
  4. My use of time is more:

Write down the four traits you chose.

To help you with the assessment, when selecting one of the personality attributes, give examples of why you circled each of the above:

  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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