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Save more money

Use This Simple Mental Trick To Save More Money

Americans like to spend. Nearly half of us are saving no more than 5 percent of our incomes, while 18 percent are saving nothing at all, according to a new report. The average American family savings account balance is $3,950, 40% of working Americans are not saving at all for retirement and 25% have no […]
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Share a Subscription

Do you find that old magazines pile up and eventually get thrown away? There’s a good chance you have a friend or neighbor who is doing the exact same thing. Sharing a magazine subscription with someone will not only save you money, but will also cut down on the amount of trees used!
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Switch to Cold Water

Almost 90% of the energy used to wash clothes is spent on heating the water, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Save money and energy. Wash your clothes in warm or cold water instead of hot, using a detergent formulated for cold-water use. Turning the dial from hot to warm will cut your energy […]
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Tips To Save Money At The Pump

Hawaii consistently has the highest gas prices in the country, with a current average cost at $4.57 per gallon. Although we directly can’t control the price of gasoline at the pump, we can take steps to lower our usage. Here are some steps to take to save money on gas by driving more efficiently and […]
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