Month: June 2018

How to Boost Your Memory!

How to Boost Your Memory in 5 Easy Steps!

Your memory is how your brain files everything you have learned. Our brain is capable of storing an incredible amount of information and helps us remember what we have experienced. When we were kids, we could learn about ten words a day, and now the average adult can know 20,000 or more. Memory plays a […]
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SMART Things You Need To Invest in for Your Start-up

So you’ve got your million-dollar business idea? Coming up with the idea is one of the easier aspects, executing it is where it can be difficult. The top reasons businesses fail are due to cash flow and capital resource problems. Setup costs rack up fast when you’re launching a startup, so it’s well worth understanding […]
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Digital Marketing Trends That You Should Use

It is the age of the digital marketer. Large agencies to individual freelancers both have similar abilities to promote a product. Here are the digital marketing trends and how you can stay ahead of it. Work with Influencers Many influencers have a steady following. A simple post with the right influencer can help your product […]
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What To Include When Building A Quality Website

For any business, your main website is like a salesperson. For your potential clients, your website is the main conduit for them to learn about your business. This is why is it important you create a great website. It may seem intimidating, but with today’s technology, you can build a professional website with ease. Here […]
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Avoid These Money Drainers

Despite the fact that you save, invest diligently, and balance your budget every month, there will always be unexpected emergencies that come up. This is why you want 3-6 months of expenses saved for your emergency account. While you may not be able to predict every unexpected expenses, you can prepare by understanding your top […]
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SMART Ways to Make Your Office Function Better

It is important for a company to making a profit, or it won’t stay in business for long. But in order to get to this goal, there are many components that a business need to focus on. Recent studies have shown that the setup and physical environment of the office play a key factor in […]
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5 Easy Steps For Starting A Jewelry Business

Since the beginning of time, jewelry has been the universal sign of self-expression. The first jewelry signs of established jewelry date back 5,000 years, from ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, to an industry today worth upwards of $348 billion per year. Looking at jewelry from an investment perspective, jewelry has grown 138% in value over the […]
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4 SMART Reasons To Own Your Own Business

When you are choosing what career path to take, you’re likely going to have to start from the bottom and work your way to the top. The answer for some is to open their own business. It’s a popular idea, over half a million businesses are founded every year. If you are interested in this […]
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How to Get Large Scale Contracts for Your Business

Getting large-scale government contracts is an incredibly competitive marketplace. It’s important to leverage as many advantages as you can to compete against other companies bidding on the same contracts. You may have set-aside status, which can be a great benefit, but it’s highly unlikely you are seeing all the opportunities in the federal, state, or […]
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