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Acupuncture Relieves Pain

While it’s not news to the millions of Americans who already take advantage of acupuncture, a recent multinational study offers evidence that the ancient Chinese therapy can reduce chronic pain. Researchers studied the effects of acupuncture on a variety of chronic ailments and showed that patients receiving the test treatment were able to reduce pain […]
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Get a Flu Shot!

It’s the beginning of flu season and the CDC recommends annual flu vaccines for anyone without special health considerations. Studies show that getting the vaccine before the flu starts circulating in your area is the best way to avoid catching it. If you’re over 65, you may want to consider getting the “high octane” vaccine […]
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Boost Memory with a Mid-Day Nap

Surveys show that more than half of people aged 65 and older nap at least twice a week. Turns out, they might have the right idea. Researchers have found that taking a daily nap improves mental recall and problem-solving skills.
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Add Stretching to Your Routine

Stretching throughout the day and after exercise has been shown to decrease the risk of injuries and improve blood flow to the muscles. By stretching regularly, we can increase flexibility and increase our range of motion to important joints and tendons, reducing the risk of trauma or overuse injuries. To stretch a muscle, try to […]
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Take Calcium in Smaller Increments

Want healthy bones? Don’t wash down your 500 mg calcium supplement with a tall glass of milk. Instead, drink your milk now and save the supplement for later, or vice versa. Why? Your body absorbs the mineral best in increments of 500mg or less.
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Wear a Pedometer

New research suggests routinely wearing a pedometer encourages people to walk about an extra mile each day, lose weight, and lower their blood pressure. Aim for at least 30 minutes of brisk walking and a total of 10,000 steps per day.
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Pressure Points Hit the Spot

 Many health advocates promote the use of pressure points as a natural help with simple ailments. Feeling queasy? Calm a nervous stomach with this quick acupressure trick: Use your index and middle fingers to massage the space between the tendons that run from the base of your palm to your wrist. Wristbands that apply pressure […]
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Get to the Point, Doc

Research shows that today’s doctors are more rushed than ever and a doctor typically only sees each patient for an average of three minutes per office visit. To get the most out of your time with the doctor, come prepared with a written list of symptoms or issues and get right to the point. According […]
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